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This module presents the MIFARE SAM AV2 product and positioning.

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Session Description

  • It covers an overview to ISO/IEC 7816 standard and the technical detail of MIFARE SAM AV2, including its features, functionalities, the architecture for secure key storage, the secure card and host communication and the MIFARE SAM AV2 X-interface.
  • It also includes hints for optimum usage.

Session Contents

  • MIFARE SAM introduction
    MIFARE SAM product introduction and positioning.
  • ISO/IEC7816 Contact standard
    ISO/IEC 7816 contact standard review, emphasizing the T=1 protocol.
  • MIFARE® SAM AV2 architecture and features
    Features and functionalities. Logical channels. Secure key storage. Key types and configurations. Crypto algorithms supported by MIFARE SAM AV2. Key usage counters. Key versioning and diversification.
  • MIFARE® SAM AV2 host communication and personalization
    Secure MIFARE SAM AV2 personalization. Secure communication channel creation and configuration with the host and with contactless cards.
  • MIFARE® SAM AV2 commands
    MIFARE® SAM AV2 supported commands.
  • MIFARE® SAM AV2 X Interface
    MIFARE SAM AV2 X-interface settings. Advantages and disadvantages.
  • MIFARE® SAM AV2 Workshop
    Switching MIFARE SAM AV2 to AV2 mode. Personalization and validation of a MIFARE DESFire using MIFARE SAM AV2. Personalization and validation of MIFARE Plus using MIFARE SAM AV2.
  • MIFARE® SAM AV2 implementation hints
    MIFARE SAM AV2 configuration hints and design recommendations.

Session audience

  • MIFARE system designers
  • MIFARE solution developers


  • Recommended Module 2 and Module 3 training participation.
  • Basic knowledge of symmetric cryptography.

Materials required

  • The participants are required to bring their own laptops with Windows 7 and administration rights

Documentation and material delivered

  • Printed booklet with all training slides.
  • Pegoda contactless reader, MIFARE SAM AV2, MIFARE Plus and MIFARE DESFire sample cards.
  • Pen drive with the RFIDDiscover software and full documentation in PDF format.

Other information

  • 2 weeks of post training support
  • Refreshments, coffee breaks and lunch included
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